Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Immanuel Kant Essay

1 Introduction Have you ever watched a group debate an ethical decision given a particular case study with several different variations to the story? It is fascinating to watch. Some of the individuals feel so strongly about being â€Å"right† they will argue until they get their point across. Others waffle and try to look at the situation from a variety of perspectives. Given a particular Case Study based on terms of confidentiality, this paper compares the basis of morality under two alternative ethical systems — Utilitarianism and Kantianism. We will explore the theory behind each ethical system, describe the facts of the Case, and interpret a course of ethical action using both ethical systems, and the significance of this dilemma. I chose to examine the Utilitarianism and Kantianism ethical systems because at times they seem diabolically opposed based on the theoretical reasoning behind choosing a particular action. Yet, in many cases the chosen action is the same. For this particular case on confidentiality, a personal relationship attempts to complicate how to determine the morally correct action. I explore this correlation by comparing Utilitarianism and Kantianism. Utilitarianism uses a relatively straightforward cost-benefit analysis where the calculation is â€Å"indifferent to persons and relationships (Dombrowski 2000:248). † Consequently, when using a Utilitarian system to examine what ethical action is appropriate everyone is â€Å"on equal footing (Dombrowski 2000:248). † This is somewhat of a simplistic view of how individuals make decisions; however, it is a simple view that allows you to make a somewhat unbiased decision. A decision not based on â€Å"rank, status, wealth, race, gender, or personal relationship (Dombrowski 2 2000:248). â€Å"Similar to Utilitarianism, Kantianism would also negate the significance of any personal relationships. The Kantian would do unto others, as they would consent to treating you. The one universal way to act should carry from person to person regardless of your personal relationship to that person. Let us explore the similarities and differences between these two ethical theories. Next, we will take a close look at the facts of one particular Case Study where personal relationships do come into play. Then, we will compare how a Utilitarian and a Kantian might act and why. What motivates the decision-makers under each moral system? 2 Comparing Theory 2. 1 Theory: Utilitarianism 2. 1. 1 Pleasure versus Pain: Utilitarianism is a somewhat general term for a variety of perspectives that all generally fall under the guise of this theoretical stance. In any case, I will attempt to summarize the major theoretical viewpoints of this ethical system. For the most part, Utilitarianism recognizes two absolutes in the world: pain and pleasure. Moral law follows the Principle of Utility, in other words, what motivates human beings. They found that Good has priority over the Right (Justice) (Griffin 2005, personal communication) and they make ethical decisions by determining â€Å"the greatest useful goodness for the greatest number of people (Dombrowski 2000:54). † Good equals happiness (pleasure) and alternatively bad equals pain or displeasure and has no value. Utilitarianism determines the right or correct action based on a formula that shows which action results in maximized good (happiness/pleasure). Maximized good takes into account all those individuals affected by the actions under consideration. 2. 1. 2 Cost-Benefit Analysis: Utilitarianism simplifies moral law to a quantitative calculation that determines ethical choice: Total Pleasure – Total Pain = Total Utility (Griffin 2005: personal communication). Utilitarianism uses a cost-benefit analysis to decide whether we tell or do not tell. We determine what is ethically 3 correct through an objective and quantitative measure of utilitarian goodness. â€Å"measure it for the appropriate number of people, compare it to measures of ill effects for the remaining people, plug it all into an algorithm, and calculate the solution (Dombrowski 2000). † Utilitarianism, born out of the technological and scientific revolution, uses a scientific approach to ethics. Theoretically, Utilitarianism does not take into account whose happiness is at stake and the action with the highest total utility is the correct action. 2. 2 Theory: Kantianism 2. 2. 1 Sense of Duty: A sense of duty is the guiding principle to Kantian theory. Ethics does not come from a higher authority nor does it rely on the individual to weigh the competing interests of the participants in an ethical dilemma. Unlike Utilitarianism, Kant’s ethical system represents a universal categorical imperative rule of ethics. The Categorical imperative is an expression of the moral law. The imperative is the correct, right, or good action taken in a particular situation. A categorical imperative â€Å"denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that allows no exceptions, and is both required and justified as an end in itself, not as a means to some other end; the opposite of a hypothetical imperative (www. wikipedia. org). † In Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, he outlines the Categorical Imperative in three different ways (www. wikipedia. org): 2. 2. 1. 1 Universal Law formulation: â€Å"Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. † 2. 2. 1. 2 Humanity or End in Itself formulation: â€Å"Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. † 2. 2. 1. 3 Kingdom of Ends formulation: â€Å"All maxims as proceeding from 4 our own [hypothetical] making of law ought to harmonize with a possible kingdom of ends. † 2. 2. 2 Reason versus Happiness: Kantianism recognizes Reason, not happiness or pleasure, is the foundation of moral law. Reason is the faculty of humans, which enables us to choose the principle, or rule on which we act (Griffin 2005, personal communication). The categorical imperative is an underlying moral system based on Reason, the integral link independent of a particular context — it is universal. To understand the basis of morality (the existence of a moral law) you must look for it in the capacity for reason and not in the capacity for pleasure and pain. The very foundation of Kantianism is that you must treat people the way they would consent to you treating them the same way. Your act is universal with no contradictions. Kant considers immorality as the product of individuals trying to create a different standard for themselves compared to the rest of humanity. Immorality ignores the categorical imperative. The Right comes before the Good (happiness); in other words, there are moral constraints on what one may do to promote happiness. One has a duty to obey the moral law, and the moral law is not determined by figuring out what promotes happiness (Griffin 2005, personal communication). You cannot reduce humans to meer means — treating someone is a way in which they would not consent. 3 Case Study Facts 3. 1 Case Study Overview: â€Å"You are employed as a technical communicator by Caduceus Company, a major provider of software systems for the health care industry. Currently, you are working on help-desk instructions for a new software system that operates from a database accumulated from all the records of all the hospitals, clinics, HMOs, laboratories, and physicians in your state. These records carry a good deal of highly personal information on patients and are, of course, private and confidential. The revelation of some of this information to the wrong people could be seriously damaging for those patients. Improper release of this information could, for example, limit their employability, damage their reputations, or restrict their access to health 5 insurance at affordable rates. Part of your job, in fact is to ensure that confidentiality is maintained by all who use the system while preventing access to those who might misuse it. Just yesterday, you learned of some shocking information. While observing the typical daily operation of the help-desk staff in resolving users’ questions, you recognized the name of one of the clients called up on a screen. It is the name of your cousin’s fiance, and the entry indicates that he has tested positive for HIV and has received counseling about HIV and AIDS from a local clinic. You and your cousin are very close, and you are certain that she is unaware that her intended spouse has tested positive for HIV. The marriage is only a few weeks away. She would be highly endangered after marriage but also in their current relations without this knowledge. Do you reveal this information to your cousin but violate the privacy and confidentiality that you have sworn yourself to and are legally obliged to maintain? Or do you keep the information to yourself but jeopardize the health and life of your cousin by preserving the deception by her fiance (Dombrowsky 2000:238). † 3. 2 Choices or Ethical Action: As I understand the case, there are really only three different courses of action to choose from. 3. 2. 1 Do not say anything at all 3. 2. 2 Reveal the truth to your cousin 3. 1. 1. 2. 1 Talk to your cousin 3. 1. 1. 2. 2 Write an anonymous letter to your cousin 3. 2. 3 Confront the potential fiance 3. 1. 1. 3. 1 Talk to the fiance and explain why he needs to tell your cousin 3. 1. 1. 3. 2 Threaten fiance — if you do not tell my cousin I will tell 4 Comparing the Application between Ethical Systems 4. 1 To compare the moral significance of the above stated fact, I will look at the theory behind Utilitarianism and Kantianism to determine which action is the correct action. 4. 1. 1 Application: Utilitarianism 4. 1. 1. 1 According to Dombrowski (2000), he suggests Utilitarianism is the most reasonable ethical approach to take due to the simplistic nature of the principles of the Utilitarian moral law. However, he also recognizes how it is hard to apply measurable, objective costs to the loss of the technician’s job, professional reputation, â€Å"pain, suffering, violated trust, and a broken relationship (Dombrowski 2000:248). † In any case, I attempt to illustrate through the following Table (Table 1) what the Utilitarian application may look like. Table 1. Utilitarianism Cost-Benefit Analysis Choices TOTAL PLEASURE – TOTAL PAIN = TOTAL UTILITY 1. Do not say anything at all Keep job Cousin gets HIV and dies Cousin’s kids get HIV Cousin’s marriage dissolves Lots of pain by cousin = low utility 2. Reveal the truth to your cousin Cousin does not contract HIV and lives Lose job Company loses credibility You can not get a job Lots of pain by technical communicator but cousin does not die = medium to high utility 3. Confront the potential fiance Keep job Cousin does not contract HIV. Fiance is upset by having to discuss with cousin Happiness for technical communicator and cousin, a little pain for fiance = high utility 4. 1. 1. 2 Examining the Table, you can see I have outlined three separate 6 choices, determined the total pleasure, total pain, and total utility. I was unable to determine an objective, absolute number to measure each factor, however, I did rank the total utility by low, medium, and high. As you can see, if the technical communicator chooses not to say anything at all, she would keep her job, but her cousin would most definitely contract HIV and her cousin could die from it or one of her kids could contract the disease. In any case, the cousins’ marriage is most definitely going to dissolve once she finds out that her husband was not open with her from the beginning. Consequently, I ranked the total utility to LOW UTILITY due to the extensive pain the cousin would ultimately endure. The second choice was for the technical communicator to reveal the truth to her cousin either directly or anonymously. The pleasure obtained from this decision would result in the technical communicator’s cousin not contracting HIV and living (as a result of this situation). However, the technical communicator would probably lose her job, the company could lose its credibility and that could effect the jobs of other company employees, and the technical communicator may not be able to find another job because she breached her trust with the client and her company. The total utility, therefore, results in a lot of pain for the technical communicator. Fortunately, the cousin would not contract HIV and increase her risk of dying. Due to the nature of the utility — death versus life, I ranked this decision at MEDIUM to HIHGH UTILITY because the cousin would experience a great deal of happiness that would far exceed the unequal but opposite pain of the technical communicator. The third choice, confront the potential fiance, would result in 7 pleasure for the technical communicator because she could keep her job. In addition, the cousin is able to protect herself from contracting HIV. In contrast, the fiance would be upset by having to discuss this difficult issue with his new wife. Due to these circumstances, I ranked this choice as having VERY HIGH UTILITY. The technical communicator is happy, keeps her job, and does not lose her cousin. Her cousin does not contract a life threatening disease. Yet, the fiance experiences discomfort with having to discuss this relatively important issue with his new wife. Consequently, a Utilitarianist would find this last choice to be the best and most ethically correct choice. Dombrowski (pg. 248) points out how difficult it is to reduce this case to a simple cost-benefit utility analysis for a number of reasons. Yet, the most poignant reason is the inability to neutralize the scenario and avoid the personal relationship the technician has with her cousin. Theoretically, the entire cost-benefit ratio should be the same no matter the personal relationship. However, I suspect your ethical action would tilt in a different direction should your motivations be driven by the patient’s partner. If you do not know the patient’s partner why would you risk your job, home life, and economic security for someone you do not even know. Is it really for the greater good? If so, why not find out everyone who has AIDS and post it on street corners? I am baffled by this strict compliance with the Utilitarian perspective. 4. 1. 2 Application: Kant 4. 1. 2. 1 Kant would argue that we â€Å"should act as we would expect others to act toward us and in way that should have universal applicability (pg. 247). † You must treat people the way they would consent to you treating them the same way. Given that this decision could 8 result in a life-threatening situation, Dombrowski argues that of course the cousin would want to know and would consent to treating them the same way. Dombrowski suggests that this is quite probably a universal ethical law. Yet, Dombrowski also recognizes that â€Å"most people probably would agree that the seriousness of the stakes so heavily tip the ethical scales against the side of blind compliance with the law that the ethical judgement to disclose should be binding on all people in such situations (pg.247). † In this interpretation, the seriousness and/or life threatening properties of the case motivate the Kantian. This interpretation suggests that the Kantian is obligated to the cousin and not to the patient — not because the cousin is a relative or has a special personal relationship to the technician. The technician is obligated to the moral universal law and would tell anyone should they find out. However, Kantian Moral law also says a promise should be kept. So then, the technician’s promise to her profession could take precedence over what appears to be the obvious categorical imperative. Kant might also agree with an ethical course of action where the technician approaches the potential fiance and makes it clear that if he does not tell, she will tell her cousin. In this variation, the categorical imperative recognizes that revealing this information to the cousin is in clear violation with the law. By approaching the potential fiance it also reduces the possible consequences because the outcome will ultimately result in your cousin finding out — but not through you. As a result, the Kantian does not violate the law but also does what is ethically correct. 9 5 Conclusion To summarize, Utilitarianism is an ethical system that proposes that â€Å"the greatest useful goodness for the greatest number of people† should be our guiding principle when making ethical decisions. In contrast, Kantianism suggests that the morally correct action is † an absolute, unconditional requirement that allows no exceptions, and is both required and justified as an end in itself, not as a means to some other end (www. wikipedia. org). † In the Case of Confidentiality, both Utilitarianism and Kantianism found that the best and most correct choice was to confront the fiance. In this scenario, â€Å"the presumed authority for methods & solutions is the profession meaning that personal ethics & religion do not have prima facie authority. † Yet, for the Kantian I think it is hard to figure out how to prioritize the relationships between competing duties (expression of law) — professional promise versus an individual ethics. I also wonder how your promise to your family to protect them and keep them safe plays into this account. However, the Utilitarianism cost-benefit analysis revealed how this ethical tradition takes into account all who are affected by the actions under consideration. As for the Kantian conclusion, the choice represented a universal expression of moral law. In both cases, the personal relationship did not and should not come into play as a significant fact. But I wonder, how this could possibly ever be the case. REFERENCES 2000 Dombrowski, Paul. Ethics in Technical Communication. The Allyn & Bacon Series in Technical Communication: Boston & London. 2005 Griffin, Chris (friendly neighbor Professor of Philosophy). Gratefully summarized Utilitarianism and Kantianism one night at the dinner table. 2005 www. wikipedia. org. Discussions posted on July 25, 2005. 10.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Venezuela and democracy

Venezuela Is a country ruled by dictatorship hidden by democracy. Basically, the whole governmental system Is controlled by Hugo Chavez and his own party. The problems that exist are foot shortage, prlvatlzatlon of recourses(such as 011) and economic Issues. The volce of people can't be heard. Many evidences tells that Venezuela is actually a dictatorship country, not a democracy country as it seems. President Hugo Chavez had control of the election in Venezuela. 2 The government was trying to control the people by police officers. They abused student groups with iolence and threat.On the streets, while the students were peacefully protesting fighting for their freedom, democracy and civil rights, the police tried to stop them. 4 The common goal in Venezuela is to get real democracy. People take actions. For example, students form the organization â€Å"VotoJoven,† to promote democracy. 7 They achieved striking results with the registration of more than 750,000 new voters In t he system In 2010. They demand students rights. Come back to our important topic, as the â€Å"former† of the countrys problems, Chavez, who has been on the position of President since 1999.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Legal issues for managers - ILAC assignment Essay

Legal issues for managers - ILAC assignment - Essay Example This was even with the fact that Security One Pty Ltd was not well prepared to carry out the task. After his suggestion was accepted and SIL agreed to use Security One Pty Ltd for the consultation, he informed his wife, thus making it possible for his wife to have privileged information which allowed her to buy more shares in the Security One Pty Ltd and use this as a way to enrich herself. Yet, in all this, Paul never informed the other members about the possible conflict of interest. Paul also hired employees from an informal organization which led to the firm incurring huge losses after the employees form the informal organization stole property and hard cash from SIL. In hiring the employees, he did not carry out a due diligence and only did a simple web search fro the organization. This lack of delicate care led to him not being able to know that the organization was not a formal one and that it was run by criminals. Kim gave her sister in law privileged information about the proposal to create the new power plant. Using this information, the sister in law, Judy was able to buy purchased $50,000 worth of shares in the company. Karen, despite warning by the CEO, went ahead and made decision to invest more money even after the CEO had warned that an increase in the price of coal would reduce SIL’s market competitiveness and would lead to losses. Even after the CEO’s perditions of the price of coal going up came to be true, she still went on and continued to invest more money. This led to many losses. Conclusion Under the Corporations act 2001, an officer of a firm is supposed to act in the best inters of the firm. In cases where the officer has a conflicting interest in the firm, he or she should be able to look at this issue and be able to refrain from making company decisions. Paul was in a position where he had conflicting interests with the firm he was working for. He should have told

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lifting the Veil of Incorporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lifting the Veil of Incorporation - Case Study Example The doctrine of separate personality of a corporation engendered by the sheer act of incorporation is a well entrenched principle in English law. The doctrine simply states that once a company is formally incorporated in accordance with law, it starts to possess a personality of its own, one distinct from its members and stockholders. This distinct personality, by fiction of law, protects a corporation from the consequences of the individual acts of its members and stockholders. The principle had its beginnings in the Roman law and was officially adopted by English law in the early case of Salmon v The Hamborough Co (1671) 1 Ch Cas 2041. Unfortunately, this principle had been, time and again, employed as a vehicle to evade individual liabilities and responsibilities that the courts were compelled to 'lift the veil,' so to speak, that separates corporations from their stockholders. Recent developments in the corporate world, however, had made it difficult to anticipate when judicial i nterference will be exercised to lift or pierce the veil of incorporation as courts have exhibited equivocations in handling 'lifting-the-veil" cases in the past. The case of Adams, however, seemed to have narrowed down the principles when judicial interference may be exercised in such cases.In the early days before the advent of complex corporate structures, there was not much question about the application of the corporate separate personality or the "lifting of the" veil cases. ... The economy soon turned bad which affected Salomon Ltd's business, forcing it to seek loans from outside creditors among which was a Mr. Broderip. The company, however, failed to revive itself and paying the loans became difficult. Broderip sued to obtain payment for his secured loan and the company went into liquidation. 2 The liquidator, subsequently handling the company's winding up, argued that the corporation was a fraud and that therefore Salomon's debentures should be made to apply as payments to the company's creditors. The decision was debunked by the House of Lords which sustained the separate nature of the company's personality from that of Mr. Salomon. The HL held that, on its face, the incorporation was valid and in accordance with the formalities of law and therefore the court is precluded from reading meaning or inserting their own version of the law into its incorporation. There was nothing unlawful about Salomon holding ownership of more than half of the company's shares or of the fact that the subscribers or incorporators were all members of his family to which he wielded great influence upon. 3 Judicial Interference Although the Salomon principle had since been held the classic view, court decisions have swung from one side to another that it became difficult to anticipate whether they would adhere to the Salomon principle or not in every case. The basic presumption is that the court will lift the veil of incorporation in instances when "equity demands that justice be dispensed." Yet, court decisions have shown that there was no clear-cut rule as to what constitutes injustice that would merit court intervention and disregarding the principle held in the Salomon case. 4 This equivocation is illustrated in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Theories and ideologies #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theories and ideologies #3 - Essay Example The changes in both Marxism and anarchism are aimed to better the society if adopted. Capitalism has for long been the evil wheel spinning the society and has resulted to production of immense inequality both politically and socially. Capitalism leads to an economic mode of production that sees the rich continue becoming richer and the poor become poorer. The leaders of capitalism pay low wages to the laborers just enough to keep them alive but not to engage in other profit making activities that can compete with them. Meanwhile, they continue making a lot of profit and expanding their own economic empires. With economic power comes political power and hence the rich also hold and control the political power. Communism brings equality to all both economically, socially and politically. Everyone has what is necessary and even the surplus is subdivided among the people. Political power is equally shared and controlled by the people. Social classification is unknown in this society and the common theme is communal ownership hence peace prevails1. A society without individual ownership or a singular form of leadership is the ideal society. People are at liberty to own join property and be in control of the organizations and authority. There is no government to coerce people and neither is their political governance to control the people2. Humanity is at liberty to exercise their rights and aid each other as they wish. Social inequality is unknown as every property possible is shared among the people and no one owns anything. Without personal property, leadership and authority, peace prevails among the people as there is no cause for conflict. Social and economic issues are handled by the whole community in general and hence no place for political ideologies. Workers are in control of the industries and each industry is an independent entity meaning no one has control over it as an individual but rather it is a community property

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate Accountability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate Accountability - Essay Example This is because a well governed organisation is visualised to be effective by stakeholders and thus initiates greater investment from them in the business. Often a management structure is used by organisations for conducting their operations. The concept is used as a framework of policies with the objective of protecting outside stakeholders’ investment in the organisation. Corporate governance is used by large organisations for generating a system of balances and checks. It provides the assurance that overextending of company’s resources is not generated by any individuals or departments. In other words, corporate governance helps in preventing both frauds and abuse from employees (Vitez, 2010). In this research paper, the various dimensions of corporate governance policy frameworks will be discussed with reference to followed principles in the UK and the US. ... ollow a market-based approach that provides flexibility to the companies in organising and exercising their responsibilities, while simultaneously ensuring their shareholders proper accountability. The accountability is maintained in the UK through â€Å"Combined Code on Corporate Governance† that works on the basis of ‘comply or explain’. This approach makes the judgments easy that is to be presented case after case. This form is supported by investors, companies and regulators in the UK and has been adopted in other financial markets as a model. The approaches in the UK towards corporate governance provide high standards combined with relatively lower costs of association. The board of the UK corporate governance presents assessment of position of the company and provides accountability for maintaining sound internal control system. The board is responsible for maintaining shareholders’ contact for understanding their concerns and opinions (Financial Repo rting Council, 2006). The code of the UK corporate governance consists of five main sections, namely, leadership, effectiveness, accountability, remuneration and relations with shareholders. With respect to leadership, companies are initiated to be lead by an effective board consisting of both executive as well as non-executive directors. In complying with the code ‘effectiveness’, companies should have an exact balance of experience, knowledge and skills. For pertaining to accountability, there should be proper assessment of the prospects and position of the companies. In case of remuneration, the payments of directors should be sufficient enough for attracting qualified candidates and lastly, the companies should bear a dialogue with shareholders on the basis of mutual understanding about its objectives

ROLE OF GOVERNMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ROLE OF GOVERNMENT - Assignment Example Treatment of recessionary gap in new classical approach: According to the new Classical approach, economists focus on the unemployment situation, which affects the economy owing to the continuous decline in the real output of the economy. In a recessionary gap situation, supply of resources in the labor market tends to increase substantially. Consequently, the wage rate declines to maintain the equilibrium position of the economy’s resources. Hence, this result in lowering wages and prices with a shift in short run Aggregate Supply (AS) curve causing recessionary gap. Accordingly, the new classical theory suggests that the economy is self-regulatory, and can achieve equilibrium i.e. stability, full employment without government interference and can eliminate the gap in a â€Å"self-corrective mechanism† (Pearson Education, â€Å"Keynes and the Classical Economists: The Early Debate on Policy Activism†). Exhibit 1: Recessionary Gap AS movements as per the new clas sical theory (Jain, Jain, Ohri, Majhi and Ohri 193) Treatment of recessionary gap in Keynesian approach: In contrast to the new classical theory, the Keynesian theory asserts that recessionary gap is the shift in Aggregate Demand (AD) due to low spending in an economy. Economists following the Keynesian approach suggest that the gap can be eliminated by spending more, that is by increase flow of money and capital resources within the economy, which will move the AD curve upwards (Pearson Education, â€Å"Keynes and the Classical Economists: The Early Debate on Policy Activism.†). Exhibit 2: Recessionary Gap AS movements as per the new classical theory (Jain, Jain, Ohri, Majhi and Ohri 193) The main difference between the new classical and the Keynesian theory persist in respect to their assumptions, which are directly associated with the AS-AD curve movements. As can be observed from the above discussion, the new classical theory assumes that with the increase in the unemploy ment rate, which indicates a fall in the demand for labors in the economy, the wage will also shrink, causing the AS curve shift downwards. However, because the economy is assumed to function in a â€Å"self-corrective manner†, it is likely that the fall in the wage rate will increase the demand for the labors and thus fortify the situation to the equilibrium position. Contradictorily, the Keynesian economists shall assume that in a recessional gap situation, if the demand for employment falls, it shall have no effect on the price and also on the supply (in the short run). It is under such circumstance that the government needs to intervene and increase demand for the resource to the equilibrium position (Baumol and Blinder 206-208). QUESTION 2 Two events supporting Classical theory: In the modern era, many economies practice the classical theory of microeconomics. Among these, China has been a significant illustration. China operates with minimum government intervention for better economic stability. For example, at the time of World War 2, China had to witness a steep fall in its employment rate, which had resulted in the downward shift of the wage rate and the AS curve. The reason was likewise assumed to be the failure of the economic drivers to use the resources efficiently, as per the classical the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Project Management - Essay Example For any software project management, phases can be broadly categorized as follows: Basically the task performed for project initiation starts with requirement gathering, then scope determination, resource allocation and project planning. The first task is to gather the customer requirements. As in the present project the challenge for the project manager is to elicit the requirements in such a way that almost all the information regarding needs and wants of the customer could be gathered. Another important area for the project manager is to define the Project scope, as the work required for creating a software product (Website). Project manager needs to define the scope of a software project to ensure that all processes required to complete the project are identified. Scope of the software products (website) for DropBy Caf must include the functions it is expected to perform, its performance criteria and the constraints under which the software is developed. The function and performance requirement of DropBy Caf website must be identified by system analyst. This i ncludes the features that enable the website to modify the user interface or process data in a specific manner. Parameters such as processing speed, data transfer speed and request processing speed will help to measure the performance of the website. To develop the correct website for DropBy Caf, the IT team which consists of 5 member (Project manager, quality manager, system analyst & 2 Progammers) will began to collect the information from the relevant stakeholders i. e. customers as well as owner of DropBy Caf i.e. Nathan Barlow to determine exactly the scope of the software project (website). The project team must interact with Nathan Barlow because he is the owner and has the complete authority. After collecting all the information regarding the required performance, functionality and constrained the team has used a decision tree to analyze and decide to create a feasible solution. In this situation, where DropBy Caf is trying to implement and develop a website project team fou nd that client/server solution was more suitable for implementation at DropBy Caf because it allow different functional areas to connect to central databases, in house made solution which avoid the cost of purchasing and users could easily adapt to the new system. First of all, to collect and extract more and more information, a joint team of system analyst, programmers and project manager himself together must, converse with Nathan Barlow to identify the requirement, solution, alternatives and preliminary set of requirements for the website. A comprehensive list of requirements and concerns help the project manager to determine the scope of the website project effectively. Another technique at this level could be used specifically by quality engineer is quality function deployment (QFD) which includes interviews with Nathan Barlow, observation and surveys together information for scope determination. This QFD technique application starts with identification of client i.e., Nathan B arlow. Next step is to determine the client requirements. Here Nathan Barlow's requirement is to launch a website which must be dynamic and could be modified time to time because he needs to advertise new dishes weekly. The basic requirement of the website is to post the entire

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Technology Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology Law - Essay Example The police department is the government wing that is noted not to implement the laws effectively. Despite the fact that t the police officers are to help the citizens obey and respect the rule of law in the process aiding in the implementation of the laws, research in the police department shows that the police officers play a bid role in breaking the law. Police officers are known to be corrupt in the course of the duties. In so doing, they let criminals and other lawbreakers to go against the rule of law because they have been bribed. This forms an obstacle in the government quest for law implementation. The gap created between the laws on the books with the law enforcement creates a huge risk to the society. Criminals and other gangs take advantage of this weakness to terrorize the society members. This creates fear, and the security of the society deteriorates. With poor security investments in the areas cannot take place (Landes & Posner, 1975). The citizens have developed negative attitudes to both the people responsible for regulating the laws, as well as the lawmakers. From history, the lawmakers have been exploiting the public through creation of laws that only favors them and seems to be undermining the citizens. This experience has forced the public to have a negative attitude towards the lawmakers. The public is that the lawmakers cannot make any law that can benefit them; the laws that are always made are weak and burden the poor most (Roland & Verdier, 2003). On the other hand, their attitude towards the law enforcers is even worse. Despite the fact that the law enforcers role is to protecting the public interest through regulation of laws they are putting the public interest in jeopardy by putting theirs first. This makes the public detest the law regulators as much as the lawmakers since they both serve their interest ahead of the public interest (Polinsky & Shavell, 2007). Concerning power balance, the law regulators are claiming that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Investigation into the Sovereign Debt Credit Ratings of Five EU Member Literature review

Investigation into the Sovereign Debt Credit Ratings of Five EU Member States and China over the Period 2005-2012 - Literature review Example Caprio and Klingebiel (2003), McKinsey (2010), Mihalakas (2012) find that common problems existing in crisis countries are financial imbalances, government debt over the country's debt paying ability, huge public spending, which eventually lead to the occurrence of crisis. Calvo (1998), Eichengreen et al. (2005) and De Grauwe (2011) and Wolf (2011) all think that monetary union is one of the important factors. Detlef (2012) argues that large-scale sovereign debt is due to the endogenous structural problems. Leigh (2010) through the statistical methods to find low growth is another incentive to crisis. The financial crisis accompanied by the enormous public debt in the Euro zone particularly the Greece that occurred in 2009 resulted in a great confusion in the vast world financial market, this even became of in the year 2010 (Buckley & Arner, 2011). Despite this the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) have acted so fast to handle the crisis and restore the co nfidence of the market participants :( Portes, 1986). It did this through restoring the fiscal economies such as Greece, Ireland, and Portugal among others. However, the Euro zone crisis extended even in the first half of the 2011 through vigorously shaking the financial markets both internally and externally of the monetary union. This extended the thought that other countries would be rescued from the crisis later on. Although the countries mentioned so far are small economically, there was an exposure of through financial contagion and therefore the possibility of the scourge spreading to other countries of the EU like Spain and Italy, this has made handling of the crisis more complicated and serious. On the other hand, a variety of questions has been raised over whether the institutions conferred with the obligations of handling the issues will be up to the task (Buckley & Arner, 2011). The proponents of the advocacy that the monetary unions escaped national monetary and economi c sovereignty are right though they lacked central fiscal authority :( Portes, 1986). It is quite evident that without such conferred authority; the organizations are toothless hence preventing the monetary union from effective action by the constituents. This therefore has made the recovery of the mentioned countries out of the debt crisis hence more muted than it would have been expected (Canuto & Giugale, 2010). For decades, the financial positions of the countries in the euro zone exhibited the strengths that have never been witnessed in the year 2007 (Canuto & Giugale, 2010). This had largely been attributed majorly due to the economic environments that facilitated the strongest view. The onset of the 2008-2009 financial crunches witnessed a longer and lasting impact in the economic environments of the countries in the EU (Buckley & Arner, 2011). This penetrated the economic environment in three major transmission channels, which entail: - the nature that the financial system i s highly contagious and connected, the effects and impacts that demand had on wealth and confidence and lastly, the global trade

Monday, July 22, 2019

Shirley Temple Essay Example for Free

Shirley Temple Essay Sweetheart In the 1930s, the United States suffered immense economic turmoil known as the Great Depression. Americans were full of hopelessness and sorrow and no longer were able to go to the movies because there was no money for it. Therefore, it was no surprise that when a bright and young new face came onto theater screens, people latched onto it with extreme fascination; some near obsession. This rising starlet, who could put a smile on even the saddest face, was Shirley Temple. In 1935, at just three and a half years of age, Shirley instantly became the number one box office sensation and held onto the title for four straight years; yet she remained successful way beyond those years. Men, women, and children adored her loving personality and innocence; she was a breath of fresh air in a time of hardships and struggles. During the Great Depression, less people went to the theaters because they could no longer afford the extra expense. In response, desperate movie makers produced films with more sex and violence to lure the audience and money back in. This posed as a great problem in society, mainly with women and children, because no mother would want to subject her child to such filth. Therefore, when Shirley Temple movies premiered in the early 1930s, women were excited about going to the theaters again. Shirley provided pure and classy entertainment that mothers would not hesitate to take their children to. Although the films that Shirley starred in were by no means spectacular, she managed to rise above the script and give the audience what they needed and craved in such a time of despair. People were so enthralled by this little girl with such big talent, spirit, and liveliness that they did not care how â€Å"mediocre†¦[the] movie might be, the people flocked to see her† regardless (Fuller-Seeley, 49). She provided her audience with laughter in a gloomy time, pure love in a lonely world, and innocence in a place of filth and greed. And for that one to two hours that her glowing face would shine on the screen and little voice would talk and sing, people were given an escape from their day to day stresses and worries and they became encapsulated by this tiny girl. She gave America what it had long been in need of and they were not about to give it up, no matter the ticket cost. Shirley Temple wooed America with her cheerful singing and dancing and made women, children, and men all over the world fall in love with her. They desired to be her, to know her, and to share in her love and joy. Women’s fascination stemmed from their maternal nature. To them, Shirley was a child whom they longed to love, care for, and protect. Since they obviously could not attain this satisfaction, mothers would try to mold their daughters into their own little Shirley Temple; only they could never get fifty six perfect curls. Children’s fascination with her, however, was more of a desire to be her and share in her experiences. They watched in amazement as Shirley explored life in the adult world, which instilled in them a longing for adventure and ambitious goals. Children, mainly girls, not only adored Shirley, but identified with her. â€Å"Rather than just seeing her as a spectacle on the screen†¦Ã¢â‚¬  they imagined themselves in her roles and became one with her character (51). Men on the other hand, were mesmerized with Shirley in a slightly different way. Many only saw her from a paternal view and, like women, desired to have her as their own daughter. Others however, had a more pedophilic enthrallment with Shirley. Men in this time were sad and lonely, so when a young new face shined before them, they were naturally drawn to it. What was unnatural about this, however, was that they became so drawn to Shirley that some began to obsess and fantasize over this prepubescent little girl. While some kept their shameful fantasies more private, others were less discrete about it. For example, in a London magazine titled Night and Day, the author writes that â€Å"’middle aged men and clergymen’ lusted after her shapely body and†¦her appeal [was] more secret and adult† (57). This idea that older men lusted after a five year old girl was sickening to all. However, while Shirley is not to be blamed, many movies she starred in had her sitting in men’s laps constantly. So much so, that people began to suspect that these films suggested incestual relationships with male family members, including fathers. Other films were suspected of being filled with hidden sexual references. This was not a far off suspicion with movies such as War Babies (1932) where Shirley plays the role of a miniature prostitute.

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning Essay Example for Free

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning Essay Teachers need to understand how poverty can affect a student in the classroom. Some students who suffer from poverty may come from homes with very young, single or low educational level parents. Their parents may be unemployed, have substance abuse problems or generally may not be good role models. Students might live in dangerous neighbourhoods or suffer from homelessness. They might move areas often; their parents may have had bad experiences with schools themselves and see schools as threatening institutions and do not value education. Perhaps they come from households where the parents are family orientated and loving, their only problem being lack of money. Teachers need to understand the family background to understand how to best assist the student. Teachers must be aware of the problems and difficulties poorer students face and make allowances and adjustments to the curriculum to provide them with relevant learning without detracting from other students needs. Pellino (2007) writes of the lack of confidence many children of poor families have and how many see the curriculum as irrelevant to their lives. She suggests modifying the curriculum in interesting, simple ways that will have value to all students in the class. This may include doing work on the effect of poverty, getting involved in community projects such as soup kitchens or simply studying the question What is poverty? It is important that these activities be followed with both group discussion and individual reflection to help children think critically about their experiences (Chafel, 1997). A good education is often the only means of breaking the cycle of poverty for poor children therefore a teacher must provide a curriculum that is relevant and challenging to motivate students and increase their opportunity for higher education and greater opportunity in life. Many students from low socio-economic households feel they have no choice or control over their destiny. They may be depressed, have a fear of failure or low expectations of their academic ability. An important task for teachers is to help students develop conative attitudes (Pellino, 2007). These are a desire to improve their life and an understanding that it is indeed possible through the creation of goals, plans and perseverance. It may be beneficial  to develop conative attitude exercises designed to help students identify what is important to them personally. Incorporating personal reflection in the curriculum may be beneficial (Pellino, 2007). This could include encouragement to write journal entries imagining what they would do if time and money was no object (Waitley, 1996, cited by Huitt, 1999) and then reflecting back on a mission statement. Students from low income families often need help to develop self-efficacy and a desire to be proactive in their life (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven Tice, 1998; Emmons, 1986). These are traits that are often lacking in low achieving students, particularly those from poorer backgrounds (Huitt, 1999). It is important for teachers to develop lessons that result in success to show students that they are capable of altering outcomes and do not just accept what life throws at them (Pellino, 2007). I found Karen Pellinos paper to be extremely helpful. It is comprehensive and includes an extensive reference list that directs the reader to a vast array of articles for further study. Reference list Baumeister, R., Bratslavsky, E., Muraven, M., Tice, D. (1998). Ego depletion: Is the active self a limited resource? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(5), 1252-1265. Retrieved from CSA Illumina 14 June 2008. Chafel, J. (1997) Childrens Views of Poverty: A Review of Research and Implications for Teaching, The Educational Forum, 61:4, 360 371. Accessed from Informaworld 15 June 2008, R. (1986). Personal strivings: An approach to personality and subjective well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1058-1068. Retrieved from CSA Illumina 14 June 2008. Huitt, W. 1999. Conation as an important factor of mind. Website for Valdosta State University, GA. Accessed 14 June, 2008. Pellino, K. (2007). The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning. Teachnology. Retrieved 14 June, 2008, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Graphene Is The Future Philosophy Essay

Graphene Is The Future Philosophy Essay This report will contain a brief history of, a main body, some properties of and a main description of a material called Graphene. A super material. Within the sub categories and different pages of the report you will come to find out for yourself just how amazing and the seamlessly endless possibilities of this wonderful material. When a new material has been discovered it brings new and exciting times to the scientific and technological world. With a new material you have the opportunities to take a look back on previous unsolved problems and also bring new ones to the table. For the first time ever scientists have been able to isolate single two-dimensional atomic layers of atoms. These are one of if not the thinnest material known to man also just so happens to have the strongest bond in nature, the C-C bond. To accompany the report along the way you will find images and graphics of the super material in its varying form. Also in the report you will come across the properties of graphene and will see that in so many ways that this super material far exceeds possibly all other materials in comparison to itself. A brief description about Graphene Graphene is what we call a 2D material it derives from a single layer of graphite. Its structure is made of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb like structure similar to a chicken wire. Even though graphene is the thinnest material today it also is the strongest material today. Graphene conducts electricity as efficiently if not better than copper and has no comparison in its ability to conduct heat. Graphene is almost completely transparent giving it an already futuristic look. The way it breaks down is: Graphite = 3D material Graphene = 2D material Nanotube = 1D material Buckyball = 0D material Brief History Although graphene has been a known material since 1857 and many people have been trying to find a way to work on or produce graphene in a way that could be used commercially an answer was not forthcoming until the work of Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov. The work that these produced in the University of Manchester in the year of 2007 was to become ground breaking when it came to the super material graphene. Almost everything had been discovered about graphene everything except the properties of the material and this intrigued Andre, who then asked a recently graduated student Kostya in 2002 to see how thin he could make a single piece of graphite by polishing it down. As they could not get thin enough slices the work continued until 2004. At first Kostya could not find a way to get thin enough slices from the graphite, Andre asked his friends and colleagues and a senior member by the name of Oleg Shklyarevskii said to Andre that the piece of tape that they used to peel of layers of graphite would have thinner layers than trying to polish it down. From there on the work on finding the properties of graphene began. Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov went on to win the Nobel Prize in 2007 in physics for their work they achieved on graphene. Timeline of the most recent entries of grapheme 1947 Graphene first studied as a limiting case for theoretical work on graphite by Phillip Wallace 1966 First attempts to grow multilayer graphite Hess W M and Ban L L also Karu A E and Beer M 1984 Massless charge carriers in graphene pointed out theoretically by Gordon Walter Semenoff , David P. DeVincenzo and Eugene J. Mele 1987 Name graphene first mentioned by S. Mouras and co-workers 2004 Graphene isolated in free form by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov 2004 Observation of graphenes ambipolar field effect by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov 2005 Anomalous quantum hall effect detected showing massless nature of charge carriers in graphene Andre and Kostya and by Philip Kim and Yuanbo Zhang 2006 Quantum Hall effect seen at room temperature by Novoselov et. Al. 2007 The first ever detection of a single molecule adsorption event by Schedin et. al. 2008 Measurements of extremely high carrier mobility by Bolotin et. al. 2010 Andre and Kostya were awarded the Nobel prize in physics for their work on graphene. Main Body Graphene is the super material that will change the future of this world. Between its outstanding electrical and amazing mechanical properties there is just no other material that even comes remotely close to the potential this material possesses. When Andre and Konstantin revealed their work on graphene not even they could have foreseen what an impact this new and wonderful material would bring to the world. Graphene will forever shape our future. Although graphene at the moment is still not a household name it most indefinitely will be in the very near future. It will be used in almost everything from super-computers to your mobile phone, from separating water from other substances, from creating a futuristic world and to improving the properties of other widely used materials. When the world has found a way of mass producing graphene in a commercial way the world itself will change. Moores law states that computer power will double every 18 months up to and until the point where our silicon can no longer take it passed the barrier, the barrier being that silicon can only conduct electricity at a certain speed, graphene smashes that speed. If you look at the world and technology 10 years ago and think what it is like now there has been a massive change and improvement in the scientific and technological world as we know it. Graphene with its superior properties will take us even further in to the future, on its own and by improving materials and substances of today. Properties of Graphene Although just one atom thick, graphene posses outstanding mechanical, electronic, optical, thermal and chemical properties, described below.  Graphene is a one atom thick sheet made of carbon atoms, arranged in a honeycomb (hexagonal) lattice. Its height was measured to be just 0.33nm, almost one million times thinner than a human hair! Graphene is the ultimate 2-dimensional carbon molecule. Graphite, the well known 3-dimensional carbon allotrope found in our pencils, is nothing more than a stack of several graphene planes. Graphene shares its structure with two other materials which are exciting todays scientists: carbon nanotubes and fullerenes (also called bucky-balls), seen as a 1-dimension and 0-dimension rolled pieces of graphene. Electronic Properties Graphene is a great if not thee best conductor of electrons. The electrons are able to flow through graphene more easily than copper, they travel through the graphene sheet as if they carry no mass, as fast as just one hundredth that of the speed of light. The main material in computer chips today is silicon but in order to create faster and more improved computers we needed a new material to take us there. Graphene is that material Mechanical Properties To calculate the strength of graphene, scientists used a technique called Atomic Force Microscopy. By pressing graphene that was lying on top of circular wells, they measured just how far you can push graphene with a small tip without breaking it. It was found that graphene is harder than  diamond  and about 300 times harder than  steel. To put this into context, it will take the weight of an elephant balanced on a needle-point in order to break this one atom thick fabric! The tensile strength of graphene exceeds 1 TPa. Even though graphene is so robust, it is also very stretchable. You can stretch graphene up to 20% of its initial length. It is expected that graphenes mechanical properties will find applications into making a new generation of super strong composite materials and along combined with its optical properties, making flexible displays. Optical Properties Graphene, despite being the thinnest material ever made, is still visible to the naked eye. Due to its unique electronic properties, it absorbs a high 2.3% of light that passes through it, which is enough that you can see it in air (if you could manage to hold it up!). To help enhance the visibility of graphene flakes we deposit them on to silicon wafers which have a thin surface layer of silicon dioxide. Light shining on to these three-layer structures will be partially transmitted and partially reflected at each interface. This leads to complex optical interference effects such that, depending on the thickness of the silicon-dioxide layer (which we can control to a high degree of accuracy), some colours are enhanced and some are suppressed. This technique takes advantage of the same physics which causes the rainbow effect that you see when you have a thin layer of oil floating on water. In this case, the different colours correspond to longer/shorter optical path lengths that the light has had to travel through the oil film. Those above are the most common attributes of graphene but there are a few more. What you are about to read will come across as something straight out of a science fiction movie or novel, graphene can heal itself thats right heal itself, because of the fact that graphene is only one atomic layer thick it seeks out other atoms to bond to, so it grabs the other graphite atoms around it closing the gap and essentially healing itself. But it doesnt stop there as graphene is so thin it can be placed over other materials giving it a graphene coating which in turn improves the material it has been placed on top of. If you place that membrane of graphene over copper it will almost completely stop the copper rusting creating longer lasting materials. Graphene is tougher than diamond previously thought of as the hardest material on earth and 300 times stronger than steel yet is so ductile than it can bend, paving the way for a future where you can fold up your mobile phone and put it in your pocket. Graphene has also been found able to distil water making it cleaner. The uses for this could almost wipe out diseases spread where water is contaminated, creating healthier and greater living conditions. The list of properties and applications of graphene grow almost on a daily basis and bring with it new and innovative ideas to the world. Future Applications The future applications of graphene are almost limitless, because of the abundance of properties that graphene has people, science and technology will be inventing new and wonderful ways to integrate it into our world. With graphene being so thin yet so strong there are markets for it such paper thin flexible displays for televisions, watches and phones. When it comes to our computers and the chips inside them that are used control them the material that we use is silicon, but there is only so much that silicon can do and so far it can take our computers today, this is where graphene comes in. Graphene because of its amazing electrical properties it will be the material to take our computers into the future. Graphene being so thin it can be cut or crumbled into small flakes and introduced to other materials to make a composite material. If you added the graphene flakes to plastic to make a composite material that way it could be used to make a lighter and conductive material for aircraft making it effective against lightning and because of it being lighter it will also be fuel efficient. Graphene can also be introduced to other material in such a way as a bond, if you bond graphene to the likes of copper it will reduce the amount and time it takes for the copper to oxidise or rust. Thus making the copper last longer and become more efficient. Conclusion Graphene the material that can barely be seen yet will change the world in so many ways. From its unique ability to heal itself to its incredible strength down to its incomparable ability to conduct electricity. This amazing material has no boundaries. Graphene although not yet a household name in many peoples eyes will soon become a well known worldwide phenomenon. Just as everyone wants the new latest technology or gadgets on the market, people will want the new technology, materials and computers that have graphene in them. Graphene the super material has no limits to what it can achieve. With its unbelievable properties and applications in so many fields, the possibilities are endless. Graphene will change our future to cleaning up the water in Africa to making materials that are in use today become more effective and sustainable in a way that if you put a graphene, layer over copper it will reduce the amount of time it takes to oxidize and rust, making it a more efficient material. It can also be used for composite materials so if you take one material and bond it to another it makes a composite material, if you put graphene with a plastic t will create a lightweight material that can withstand lightning which would be extremely useful in aircrafts, making them lighter and more fuel efficient. Graphene has many different properties ranging from the normal to the extreme and to some that even seem straight out of a science fiction novel. Graphene is the material that will make our technology today seem like we have been using caveman techniques for the past 10 years. It is the material that will pick the world up and throw it in to a brighter and better future. Graphene is the future! à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Death Penalty Should Be Reconsidered

Death Penalty Should Be Reconsidered      Ã‚   The Death Penalty is among one of the major punishments given by the United States Department of Justice. The following facts were given by the Office of Justice Program, Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the United States Department of Justice themselves. During the year of 1995, Texas was the leading state with nineteen executions. This is about thirty-four percent of the executions in the United States. Also in that year, out of 56 persons who were executed, there were 33 white, 22 black, and one Asian. The persons executed were under sentence of death an average of eleven years and two months. Thirty-four states and the Federal prison system held 3,054 prisoners under sentence of death. This is a little over five percent more than the previous year. These figures are high for the year, 1995. People consider this fair since all these prisoners have committed murder, but sometimes the US Department of Justice can not bring justice to either parties.    As of December 31, 1995, lethal injection was the predominant method of execution in the United States. Out of 50 states, 32 are using this type of execution. There were some states who are still using the other types of execution. Eleven states authorized electrocution, seven of lethal gas, four of hanging, and three states of firing squad. Among these, the least suffering is lethal injection.    The most recent execution in Texas took place on April 3, 1997. A man who killed a woman during the 1989 robbery of a topless bar was executed the day after he made an unsuccessful suicide attempt. David Lee Herman, 39, tried to take away his life by unsuccessfully slashing his throat and wrist with a broken razor. An officer ... ... someone, we are sending the most cynicism about the value of human life. Also every time we execute someone, we as a society sink to the same level as the common killer. Death is lifeà ­s most powerful enemy. Therefore we are against killing people, and we cannot just take away a human being.   Ã‚   Works Cited   Dr. Gus Roberts. Dr. Gus Roberts. May 04, 1997 listserv email. May 04, 1997 Tracy L. Snell. Status of Death Penalty 1995. December 1996. 28, 1997   Michael L. Radelet and Ronald L. Akers. Deterrenc and the Death Penalty: The Views of the Experts. May 01, 1997. May, 03 1997. Associated Press. Murderer Executed a Day After Suicide Attempt. Dallas Morning News. April 03, 1997.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Character Analysis of Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar

Character Analysis of Blanche Through Text and Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tennessee Williams was once quoted as saying "Symbols are nothing but the natural speech of drama...the purest language of plays" (Adler 30). This is clearly evident in A Streetcar Named Desire, one of Williams's many plays. In analyzing the main character of the story, Blanche DuBois, it is crucial to use both the literal text as well as the symbols of the story to get a complete and thorough understanding of her.    Before one can understand Blanche's character, one must understand the reason why she moved to New Orleans and joined her sister, Stella, and brother-in-law, Stanley. By analyzing the symbolism in the first scene, one can understand what prompted Blanche to move. Her appearance in the first scene "suggests a moth" (Williams 96). In literature, a moth represents the soul. So it is possible to see her entire voyage as the journey of her soul (Quirino 63). Later in the same scene she describes her voyage: "They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields" (Quirino 63). Taken literally this does not seem to add much to the story. However, if one investigates Blanche's past, one can truly understand what this quotation symbolizes. Blanche left her home to join her sister, because her life was a miserable wreck in her former place of residence. She admits, at one point in the story, that "after the d eath of Allan (her husband) intimacies with strangers was all I seemed able to fill my empty heart with" (Williams 178). She had sexual relations with anyone who would agree to it. This is the first step in her voyage-"Desire". She ... ...n. Boston: Twayne, 1990. Corrigan, Mary Ann. â€Å"Memory, Dream, and Myth in the Plays of Tennessee Williams.† Dialogue in American Drama. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1971. Engle, Paul. "A Locomotive Named Reality," The New Republic, CXXXII (Jan. 24, 1955), 26, 27. Falk, Signi. Tennessee Williams. Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. New York, 1961. Jackson, Esther M. The Broken World of Tennessee Williams.   Madison and Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin, 1965. Quirino, Leonard. â€Å"The Cards Indicate a Voyage on A Streetcar Named Desire.† Modern Critical Interpretations: A Streetcar Named Desire. Ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1988. Vowles, Richard B. "Tennessee Williams: The World of His Imagery," Tulane Drama Review, III (Dec., 1958), 51-56. Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. New York: Viking Penguin, 1976.

Racist Mind :: essays research papers

The Racist Mind In looking at the idea of being racist we must look at why people are like that. I would hope that most people would not be racist, but that would be in a perfect world and we don’t live there. Conflict theorists would say people are attracted to the message of hate because the way the power elite keeps us at odds. They keep us believing that the other race is trying to take what little there is left. If the power elite can keep us at one another’s throats then we won’t rise up and fight against the power elite. We won’t realize that we really don’t have anything. There are examples of this all over. We take peoples jobs away and give them to minorities or another minority. This produces hatred toward that minority. If we do this then they won’t take to changing their life around them The same is within education and making sure that some people are given a right to enter a college not based on scores, but on color of skin. This gives us hate. We think some group is trying to take our stuff. The Ku Klux Klan believes that blacks are taking all their jobs or because they are there they are running the companies out of town. The power elite enforces this rhetoric and only causes the people to continue the cycle of hate. The leaders and followers of the Ku Klux Klan and neo-nazi groups believe that they are the only superior people and everyone is taking what is rightfully theirs. They are taking their stuff. Their jobs, their homes, their land. â€Å"They believe life is war. The world is made of distinct racial groups and life is about the war between those groups.† They only believe what they want to believe. These people live in their own world and you can never talk them out of it. Mr. Ezekiel stated this â€Å"[There is a] ready pool of whites who will respond to the racist signal†¦.This population is always hungry for activity -or for the talk of activity- that promises dignity and meaning to lives that are working poorly in a highly competitive world.† This is so true. Most of these people that belong to these groups are poor, down and out. They feel now like they have power. If they have power ten they can change the world.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Death Advantages vs Disadvantages

Death can be taken as an advantage or disadvantage, a blessing or a curse. It is an advantage or blessing as one is aware of his approaching death and can prepare himself for it. It is a disadvantage or a curse as since one is aware of approaching death, he realizes that human existence is pointless, which makes him unhappy, anxious and anguished. Among other things, Don DeLillo seems completely preoccupied with death and the difficult task of living with the knowledge of death in his novel White Noise. Rather than discuss the unavoidable mortality that connects all humankind with broad, generalized strokes, DeLillo is concerned with the particular late 20th century cultural and psychological mechanisms that attempt to define the unclear relationship between self and death. Perhaps, the character most responsive to death is Jack Gladney. Jack is so consumed by his fear of death that his ordinary thought processes are often interrupted by the question: â€Å"Who will die first† (DeLillo 15)? In Jack’s mind: â€Å"This question comes up from time to time, like where are the car keys† (DeLillo 15). Jack finds the aura of death to be very noticeable and real, and he relies on his consumer lifestyle as an escape from his fear of death. DeLillo uses Hitler to as a major component of his theme, death. Hitler has lived on past his death through the media. He lives because the Holocaust is probably the most tragic event in the history of the earth. In the novel Jack is obsessed with Hitler’s ability to live forever, Hitler’s power, Hitler’s self confidence, and the aura that surrounded Hitler and still surrounds Hitler. Jack is the total opposite of Hitler in the novel. He is terrified of death, has no power over anything in his life, and has zero self confidence. Jack has no way to capture these things, but through Hitler. Jack is a character with a major identity problem; Jack has no idea about who he is. No matter if a person is rich or poor, smart or foolish; he/she will sooner or later leave this world because of death. As no one can experience death until he/she dies, everyone fears it at some stage. For the most part, man fears death because he does not understand what death is, how it feels and if it is really the end of thought. On top of that, death is a stage of life, it does not mean the end of life – there may be a place where everyone goes when they are dead just as people go from teenagers to adulthood. Simply denying this fact is not the right route to take. DeLillo, through this novel, is trying to send a message to his readers that facing death is the best solution to its fear. Death is something beyond our control and so it is not a thing that we should worry that much about. Taking medication, and of course, killing others will not prevent death. Thinking and being afraid of death is an ordinary thing for a man to ponder about but too much can lead to more negatives than positives. Furthermore, taking a step to an unknown world can be extremely challenging for man. That is why they fear death so much. Fear of death does not prolong anyone’s life; in fact, it may shorten someone’s life. In the end, man must face death for all men are mortal. Babette, wife of Jack, is also a prime example of a person in life that suffers from her frequent fear of death. Both Jack and Babette fear death very much but their denial of this is very visible in chapter 20 when they had a long discussion in their bed. Both of them had informed the other that if it is their choice that they want to die first as if they are not afraid of death at all. â€Å"[Babette] says she wants to die first because she would feel unbearably lonely and sad without [Jack], especially if the children were grown and living elsewhere† (pg. 100). Jack also tells her more or less the same thing and they would argue whose death leaves a bigger hole in the other's life. By saying this, both of them want hope that they will at least seem to have no fear of death and thus can try to believe in it and avoid the fear. Unfortunately, this has not worked at all. Both of them have never felt less frightened from death even when they pretend they didn't. Babette says, â€Å"I do want to die first,†¦. But that doesn't mean I'm not afraid. I'm terribly afraid. I'm afraid all the time† (pg. 198). Her fear of death is further demonstrated when Babette by chance discovers an article about fear of death and she decides to go to the firm. Jack’s reaction to Babette’s fear seems misplaced. He is more upset that she could possibly be more afraid of death than him than he seemed to be about her sleeping with Mr. Gray. He goes on trying to tell Babette that maybe she isn’t sure that she is afraid of death, â€Å"death is so vague. † He tries to tell her that it might be her weight or height that is her problem. He cannot accept that she is scared of death. Much of this could stem that he depends on Babette mostly for psychological support. The major theme of the novel is that death lurks everywhere, especially in the White Noise of the modern world, specifically in the waves and radiation with which we surround ourselves. The airborne toxic event makes visible this submerged death, and also heightens Jack's already dominating fear of death when it infects his bloodstream. DeLillo outlines several possible solutions to humanity's natural fear of death: by embracing and confronting it, as Tibetans and other Eastern religions advise; by blocking fear through â€Å"mystical†; science, as Babette attempts through the drug Dylar; by using consumerism to deny it; and by ignoring it, although only Wilder seems able to do this, whereas in the hands of adults it becomes a weakened form of cruelty. We try to face death through crowds, through safety in numbers, but we must ultimately face death alone. Even to the end of the novel not much about the role of death in the eyes of Jack and Babette changes. The book ends when Wilder is crossing the road on his tricycle and cars are honking and swerving to not to hit the little boy while he is in a state of oblivion, he doesn’t hear the cars, and he doesn’t hear the women yelling at him to stop that’s all just White Noise to him. Suddenly he falls into a puddle off of his tricycle and begins to cry and he realizes that he brushed death for the first time. Throughout the story Wilder represented a kind of innocence not found in any character. He was the only one who was not concerned with death or dying, he didn’t even understand the concept of death. But soon his innocence fades away, and he becomes and starts thinking like everyone else surrounding him.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

E-Business, Opportunities And Threats

The well-nigh modality of hire In the meshwork Is by paying finished reference card. The wrinkle website could be hacked by cyber-hacker and he could steal the credit card bends pool of the guests of the business. How to unclutter the problem? The caller-up should nock sure that their carcass is protected and refuge from any viruses, so the company must(prenominal) install anti-virus software and do unceasing update for it to ensure that their system is proficient well. as well the company should eternally retain a back-up for Its info and never electrical switch off the firewall. Communication with clients some(prenominal) judgment of convictions, while employee of the company talks with node through the e-mail, the guest might move over in his/her computing machine a virus and this virus move itself to the computer of the company and affected it. How to wreak the problem? The company should save its data by backing-up It at safe devices. in any case It should Install antl-vlrus software the entrust descry e very downloaded file before the employee decipherable It. The company must Inform Its employees more or less email attachments from customers or unknown emails and how risk of exposure they could be to the company computers.Promote Products Some companies advertise their products through sending it to customers by email, and this way of promoting Is affect to reputation of the company as It Is annoying or It considered as non acceptable. How to solve the problem? If the company wants to pass on its product through sending it to customer by email, it should do it at practiced way a give care reducing look of Images, never attach weird files or large size files, and the subject of the email should be simple and understandable.Provide study Some companies do not have the warrantor In their websites, so It could be hacked by yber-hacker and he might change or delete the information that will demonstrate the company at hard situation. How to solve the problem? The company should back-up its data, enhance its system to be strong & secure, and identify regular scan for the system. Also the firewall must always switched on and having updated an anti-virus software. operating(a) Implication trends Natlonal Ba KOT Banraln Is respond to E-Buslness ana nas develope a nls servlces because of several free-enterprise(a) forces.Expectations and product fulfillment Because of mod technology, NBB is providing its serve through E-Business to uit and poke out the aspect of their customers much(prenominal) as checking the balance, exchange funds, payments and to fulfill their want and demand. Customer foretaste Because of high customers expectation at this clock, NBB developed its website to take a leak it very supple to load that have the top executive to contain and serve gangs of customers. Information of the service that NBB swirl are available, in like manner NBB website has zero of annoy ing pop-ups and there is quad to customers to leave feedback to enhance the serve.Increased competition Because of the change magnitude of competition that BBK cracks set of services at its website, NBB is always tried to recruit the finest, creative, and adroit people that will enhance the cover of NBB services and this will raise the competition. Also NBB is offering new loans plan from time to time and offer many character of debit and credit cards. New offer uprs NBB try on out to not give the opportunity to former(a) new banks for being best than NBB, NBB develops its website to make it much easier and easier and simple to use like fork out answers of frequently asked questions FAQs.Also it is offer convert funds, credit card and loan payment can be made through the website as well. Also NBB has one of the freehandedgest earnings ATM services around Bahrain. strategic implications of trends on organizations Competitive pressures Because of BBK competitive activiti es that cease its customers to check their inquire about their balance, transfer amounts check online statement NBB is compete to make its services bettor in distinguishable aspects such as hiring qualified, who are reliable, organize to enhance the process, have problem puzzle out skills and deep noesis n E-Business.And offer their services with cheap prices. Relocations, takeovers, closures and mergers NBB has ATM card which let the customer with draw silver from other(a) ATM that belong to other banks in a competitive prices. refocus business Through NBB website, a weed of people know about NBB and its service. ADVANTI Operational implication trends Expectations and product fulfillment Because of modern technology, Advanti is providing its services through E-Business to suit and cover the expectation of their customers and to fulfill their desire and demand.Customer expectation Because of customers expectation that they expect they will bump there requires at Advantl w eDslte. Advantl Improved Its weDslte to De slmple ana belatedly to use. I ne website domain institute is simple and easy to remember. Also Advanti provide pictures, description of its products and provide detail of the prices, insurance policy and condition. The text format colors is homy to be seen. Increased competition Because of competitors activities like ALWASAT Computers that provide many types of delivery services , Advanti now ship its product to GCC countries.Advanti provide ervice of deliver the products door to door and offer discount on some products from time to time. It is also offers gift cards. New providers Because of quick and remarkable presence of AL-Wasat Computers that offers many number of brands, Advanti offers the most unique computer accessories and at affordable prices. It is also known of its quick shipping and its guarantee that the product will arrived safety. Advanti encourage its customers, its offer coupon to the customer that buys from Advant i through online. Because of the competitive pressure that A1-Wasat Computers try its best to attract ustomer base.Advanti goals is to satisfy the customer as much as likely and compete to make its services better in different aspects such as hiring qualified, who are reliable, organized to enhance the process, have problem solving skills and deep knowledge in E-Business. And offer their services with affordable prices. Relocations, takeovers, closures and mergers Advanti is co-corporate with FedEx through shipping the products to customers. Refocusing business Through Advanti website, Advanti have a big customer base a lot of people know about Advanti and its products.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

Prerequisites are categorized in many of ways.PharmacistThe system high alert the pharmacy with medicine orderThe system will allows final approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy clinical guideline *The system allows approval from Pharmacist to click send order to tech for processingThe system allow prior approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the techSystem send the new order to the nurse for administer the drugs.4. NurseThe system allow nurse to verifies the orderThe system allow nurse locate patient’s IDThe system allow nurse to original document the medicineThe system allow nurse to add witness if necessaryThe system allow wet nurse to document the wasteThe system allow nurse to new document patient’s reactionNonfunctional Requirement1. OperationalThe system should integrate with the pharmacy systemThe system should social work any web browserThe system should allow the verification for incorrect dosesThe central system should c heck incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugsThe system enable for second alternative options if medicine is out of stockThe system enables the automatically order good for medicine out of stockThe system should allow disapproval or prior approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and forget not meet allergy guideline to be click send back to physician2.Requirements may have a considerable effect on genetic testing and alternative development.Functional requirements identify parts of performance deeds that needs to be built to an comprehensive program product that is overall.

Non-functional requirements could contain things such like dependability and response time.Non-functional requirements are mainly to steer clear of external events that late may affect the system functionality.Conscious Requirement A requirement that is mindful is worth something which the stakeholder is consciously conscious of.A functional demand has number a own name summary and a rationale.

It sends an email to the course instructor containing the advice offered by the program participant.FR8 The systems shall be in a same place to shortlist candidates in accordance with how their qualifications, expertise, skills and so forth.FR16 The nervous system shall enable an applicant to fill worn out an application for work only.Of course, to be aware that it complies with all NFRs, it has to be analyzed.

FR17 The system shall enable an applicant to create their curriculum vitae.Based on your new methodology and company analysis practices, a functional complete specification may arrive in a choice of formats that how are unique.Even when recognized, as might be desired a number of these various kinds of nonfunctional requirements are tough to check logical and thus frequently are at all or not tested as adequately.When a lawyer log in with the specific thk same identification the work all should be given.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Minimum Wage and Nike Marketing Phrase

Nike is in umteen slip mood the quintessential globose mountain. schematic in 1972 by reason University of surgery hint lede Phil nickname, Nike is at a time whiz of the track marketers of ath eke placelyowic place and clothes on the purpo incurt. In ii hundred6, the go with has $15 trillion in wizard-year r dismantleues and interchange its products in nigh(a) cxl countries. Nike does non do sever entirelyy manufacturing. so iodinr, it designs and markets its products, fleck spotting for their forge from a spheric entanglement of 600 factories disordered to the soaringest degreely the adult male beings that c each(prenominal) hardly a(prenominal) 650,000 peck. This capacious corp has do gymnastic horse into wizness of the m championyedest pack in America.The Nike merchandise explicate medium Do It has die as placeable in normal culture as its whoosh logo or the faces of its glory sponsors, much(prenominal)(prenominal)( prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Michael Jordan and tiger Woods. For in al unitedly of its successes, the familiarity has been go afterwards for to a greater extent than a decade by tell and heady accusations that its products ar do in sweat frequents whither growers, many a(prenominal) of them electric razorren, slave f whole dis clam up in godforsaken conditions for gnomish than subsistence eng long generation. Nikes wealth, its detractors claim, has been streng matchlyed upon the backs of the worlds unequal.To many, Nike has bugger off a emblem of the evils of globalizationa rich westerly corporation exploiting the worlds poor people to yield expensive office and change state to the pampered consumers of the genuine world. Nikes Niket protest stores consume fit archetype crisscrosss for anti-globalization protesters. several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) non groundmental dodgings, much(prenominal) as San Franciscoestablish world-wide veer, a valet rights placement employ to promoting environmental, political, and fond rightness close to the world, project targeted Nike for retell rebuke and protests. intelligence hop onncy organizations such as CBSs 48 Hours hosted by Dan Rather stimulate break away exposes on on the barter line(p)(a)s conditions in international factories that render Nike. Students on the camp utilisations of several study U. S. universities with which Nike has salaried sponsorship c atomic number 18 fors ask protested once more than than(prenominal)st the ties, citing Nikes aff carry of sweatshop stab. For its part, Nike has interpreted stairs to answer the protests. Yes, it admits, in that respect invite been riddles in swell-nigh abroad factories. that the play a longsighted has signaled a inscription to modify conks conditions.It reconcile aways that pop outside sub bundleors tinge deplorableer learn thresholds for on the railway line(p) conditions and compensate. It has arranged for factories to be examined by fissiparous scrutiniseors. It has change contracts with factories that do non summate with its stocks. neverthe slight(prenominal) for whole this effort, the play along continues to be a target of protests and a emblem of dissent. The maneuvercase against Nike typical of the exposes against Nike was a 48 Hours hatch that aeriform October 17, 1996. 3 unexampled-fashi anedsperson Roberta Ba scratch up visited a Nike milling machinery in Vietnam.With a snatch of the grinder, her explanation began The signs argon exclusively any over of an Ameri s overlyge invasion in calculate of 2penny electric s suckrbed. Millions of tidy sum who atomic bout 18 literate, discip crimpd, and larger-than-life for jobs. This is Nike t givespeople near what intake to be called Saigon, ace of iv factories Nike doesnt proclaim further subcontracts to commit a cardinal place a calendar month. It tugs 25,000 cut backers, broadly utter adolescent women, to upright Do It. except the stoolers present dont fate in Nikes commodious profits. They incline 6 come along a workhebdomad for and $40 a month, scantily 20 cents an bit. Baskin inter take uped angiotensin-converting enzyme pulverisation role player, a preadolescent muliebrity named swish.Baskin told viewers Her rudimentary prosecute, fifty-fifty so as stitching police squad leader, bland doesnt criterion to the marginal take Shes strike down to 85 pounds. wish roughly of the boorly women who secure garment, she has brusk woof rightful(prenominal) to take over the low proceeds and long hours. Nike says that it requires all subcontractors to conform topical anesthetic laws scarcely lap covering has already mold in to a greater extent more overtime than the one-year wake minuscular limit 200 hours. Baskin wherefore asked roof y what would run into if she was sick or had fewthing she need to take do by of, such as a hurl relative, and infallible to go away the pulverisation? by dint of with(predicate) a translator, Lap replied It is non assertable if you endurent do liberal raiment. You demand to second the quota onwards you can go home. The drop dead insinuation of the business transactionhip was that Nike was at dent here for allowing such on the job(p) conditions to ride out in the Vietnam pulverization, which was possess by a Korean participation. a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) polish on Nikes subcontracting practices came in June 1996 from arrive in the USA, a earthing more or lessly financed by wearable upon unions and ho consumption servant cut back manufacturers that carry up fall by the wayside consider with low- earnings countries. gibe to Joel Joseph, electric chair of the lay downation, a frequent line of high-priced Nike sneakers, the instit utionalise Jordans, were impute together by 11-year-olds in Indonesia dedicate 14 cents per hour. A Nike spokeswoman, Donna Gibbs, countered that this was false. bring out to Gibbs, the aver grow worker do 240,000 rupiah ($103) a month running(a) a maximum 54-hour week, or some 45 cents per hour.Gibbs as well as remark that Nike had cater members in each manufacturing countersink observe conditions to brand indisputable the mill ob snapperd topical anaesthetic marginal mesh and child crusade laws. former(a)(a) object lesson of the animadversion against Nike is the pursuit state from a countersignletter publish by global re-sentencing5 During the 1970s, nigh Nike plaza were make in southerly Korea and Taiwan. When workers on that point gained new emancipation to manoeuvre and advantage began to rise, Nike looked for greener then(prenominal)ures. It nether(a)coat them in Indonesia and china, where Nike started producing in the 1980s, and ap proximately of late in Vietnam. The bulk of Nike clothes ar do in Indonesia and China, countries with political sympathiess that annihilate mugwump unions and fasten the nominal lease at rocknroll bottom.The Indonesian government admits that the marginal net profit at that place does non stand bounteous to translate the grassroots necessitate of one person, let unaccompanied a family. In archaeozoic 1997 the entry-level take was a short $2. 46 a daylight. effort groups number that a inhabitable lucre in Indonesia is or so $4. 00 a day. In Vietnam the hold is even less20 cents an hour, or a true $1. 60 a day. hardly in urban Vietnam, 3 plain meals terms close to $2. 10 a day, and hence of flight in that respect is rent, transportation, clothing, health c be, and much more. fit in to Thuyen Nguyen of Vietnam boost back Watch, a nurture mesh in Vietnam is at to the lowest degree $3 a day.In a nonher try on Nikes practices, in family 199 7 ball-shaped trade cite a plow on functional(a) conditions in cardinal Nike and Reebok subcontractors in Confederate China. 6 ball-shaped Exchange, in connexion with two Hong Kong gentle rights groups, had interviewed workers at the factories in 1995 and again in 1997. tally to globose Exchange, in one milling machinery, a Korean possess subcontractor for Nike, workers as late as 13 earning as little as 10 cents an hour toiled up to 17 hours occasional in apply silence. normal lecture during work was non allowed, with violators fined $1. 20 to $3. 0, gibeing to the penning.The practices were in irreverence of Chinese line of work law, which states that no child beneath 16 white acantha work in a manufactory, and the Chinese negligible betroth requirement of $1. 90 for an eight-hour day. Nike condemned the say as erroneous, stating that the line wrong tell the final requitalment of workers and make positive accusations. globular Exchange, how ever, move to be a study thorn in Nikes side. In November 1997, the organization obtained and then leaked a on a lower floor(a)cover piece of music by Ernst & offspring of an examine that Nike had accredited of a factory in Vietnam own by aNike subcontractor. 7The factory had 9,200 workers and do 400,000 pairs of shoes a month. The Ernst & vernal plow multi-colour a dismal word-painting of thousands of late women, near downstairs age 25, push 10 1/2 hours a day, sixer days a week, in riotous heat up and resound and in give-up the ghost air, for slightly more than $10 a week. The accounting alike instal that workers with skin or breathing occupations had non been transferred to departments drop by the wayside of chemicals and that more than half(prenominal) the workers who pull offt with dodgy chemicals did not wear prophylactic masks or gloves.It claimed workers were heart-to-heart to carcinogens that exceeded local anaesthetic intelligent standa rds by 177 times in split of the plant and that 77 per centum of the employees suffered from respiratory capers. limit on the justificatory to appointee again, Nike called a news gathering and pointed out that it had bursting chargeed the spread abroad and had acted on it. 8 The phoner state it had suppose an follow up plan to deal with the problems cited in the root, and had cut down overtime, amend safety and ventilation, and minify the use of ototoxic chemicals.The caller-up similarly take a firm stand that the report showed that its ingrained monitor system had performed exactly as it should micturate. fit in to one spokesman This shows our system of observe deeds We raft about open these issues understandably frontwards anyone else, and we strike locomote sanely efficiently to manufacture them. Nikes Responses unused to performing defense, Nike theorise a number of strategies and manoeuvre to deal with the problems of operative cond itions and pay at subcontractors. In 1996, Nike chartered Andrew new, past U. S. mbassador to the get together Nations and origin battle of Atlanta mayor, to judge works conditions in subcontractors plants close to the world. youngish tumbled a mildly fine report of Nike in mid-1997. subsequently finish a two-week electric circuit that cover 15 factories in tierce countries, unsalted certified Nike it was doing a unspoilt job in tr redeem workers, though it should do wear out. jibe to childlike, he did not see sweatshops, or antagonistic conditions I precept crowd dorms only if the workers were eating at least two meals a day on the job and fashioning what I was told were subsistence proceeds in those cultures. Young was widely amateurized by kind rights and agitate groups for not victorious his own translators and for doing hit-or-miss inspections, an avouchment he repeatedly denied. In 1996, Nike bring togethered a presidential tax labour inte ntional to amaze a way of banishing sweatshops in the shoe and clothing industries. The drive movement king include sedulousness leading such as Nike, representatives from world rights groups, and attention leaders. In April 1997, the line of work quarter denote an capital of untested Hampshire for workers rights that U. S. companies could agree to when manufacturing abroad.The accord restrain the work week to 60 hours and called for paid at least the local tokenish wage in irrelevant factories. The lying-in motor in addition concur to establish an case-by-case supervise acquaintance later named the middling wear out couplinging (FLA)to appreciate whether companies argon durable by the code. 10 The FLA forthwith includes among its members the Lawyers charge for tender Rights, the field of study Council of Churches, the multinational agitate Rights Fund, some cxxxv universities (universities take aim immense licensing agreements with sports drape companies such as Nike), and companies such as Nike, Reebok, and Levi Strauss.In former(a) 1997, Nike to a fault began to commission autarkic organizations such as Ernst & Young to canvas the factories of its subcontractors. In kinfolk 1997, Nike assay to show its critics that it was convolute in more than just a commonplace transaction custom when it modify its dealinghip with tetrad Indonesian subcontractors, stating that they had refused to approve with the companys standard for wage levels and working conditions.Nike ring one of the subcontractors, Seyon, which fabricate specialisation sports gloves for Nike. Nike express that Seyon refused to gain a 10. 7 share addition in the monthly wage, to $70. 0, stated by the Indonesian government in April 1997. 11 On may 12, 1998, in a speech minded(p) at the matter get Club, Phil nickname spelled out in expound a series of endeavours intentional to purify working conditions for the 500,000 people th at make products for Nike. 12 Among the initiatives nickname highlighted were the quest We submit efficaciously changed our stripped age limits from the ILO (International hollow Organization) standards of 15 in most countries and 14 in create countries to 18 in all footwear manufacturing and 16 in all other types of manufacturing ( outfit, accessories, and equipment. . active workers legitimately apply under the former limits were grandfathered into the new requirements. During the past 13 months we earn travel to a one hundred pct factory audit scheme, where all(prenominal) Nike contract factory leave hind end ask over an yearly check by Pricewaterhouse Coopers teams who are curiously proficient on our recruit of bearing Owners manual(a) and audit/ supervise procedures. To date they have performed about trinity hundred such monitor visits. In a few instances in apparel factories they have prepare workers under our age standards.Those factories have been ne cessary to turn on their standards to 17 age of age, to require three documents certifying age, and to escalate their efforts to pit workers meet those standards through interviews and records checks. Our closing was to come across workers almost the formal are defend by requiring factories to have no workers unresolved to levels higher up those mandated by the tolerable motion picture limits (PELs) for chemicals bring down in the OSHA interior air fictional character standards. 3 These moves were applauded in the business press, exactly they were greeted with a sceptical receipt from Nikes long adversaries in the argument over the use of contrasted ride. turn yielding that Nikes policies were an improvement, one critic makeup in the New York quantify renowned Mr. dubs child project initiative is a scum bag screen. tiddler roil has not been a massive problem with Nike, and Philip dub knows that damp than anyone. and man relations is domain re lations. So he screen. electric razor undertaking has not been a walloping problem with Nike, and Philip Knight knows that better than anyone. and man relations is public relations. So he have to keep a close eye on him at all times. The biggest problem with Nike is that its overseas workers make wretched, at a lower place-subsistence wages. Its not the lower limit age that demand raising, its the minimal wage. close to of the workers in Nike factories in China and Vietnam make less than $2 a day, well below the subsistence levels in those countries. In Indonesia the pay is less than $1 a day.The companys up-to-the-minute schema is to determine its public movie bit doing as little as mathematical for the workers. Does anyone weigh it was an stroke that Nike round up shop in human rights sinkholes, where labor organizing was viewed as a outlaw natural action and profoundly indigent workers were willing, even eager, to take their places on concourse lines and wor k for contiguous to postal code? 14 former(a) critics skepticism the order of Nikes meeters, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC). Dara ORourke, an service professor at MIT, followed the PwC auditors rough several factories in China, Korea, and Vietnam.He cerebrate that although the auditors found insignificant encroachments of labor laws and codes of conduct, they mazed major labor practice issues including equivocal working conditions, violations of overtime laws, and violation of wage laws. The problem, fit in to ORourke, was that the auditors had restrain nurture and relied on factory managers for info and to set up worker interviews, all of which were performed in the factories. The auditors, in other words, were getting an unelaborated and somewhat clean view of conditions in the factory. 5 The reason Continues render mayhap by the strict criticisms of Nike that proceed after Phil Knights whitethorn 1998 speech, rise in 1998 and continuing into 2001, a swan of protests against Nike occurred on many university campuses. The moving run behind the protests was the get together Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). The USAS argued that the fairly craunch heart and souling (FLA), which grew out of the presidential task withdraw on sweatshops, was an industry tool, and not a real self-governing auditor of foreign factories.The USAS set up an substitute unconditional auditing organization, the Workers Rights kitty (WRC), which they charged with auditing factories that produce products under collegial licensing programs (Nike is a high pen supplier of products under these programs). The WRC is backed, and part funded, by labor unions and refuses to cooperate with companies, contestation that doing so would risk its independence.By mid-2000, the WRC had persuaded some 48 universities to join the organization, including all 9 calmpuses of the University of calcium system, the University of Michigan, and the University of surge ry, Phil Knights alma mater. When Knight comprehend that the University of Oregon would join the WRC, as foreign to the FLA, he withdrew a think $30 gazillion donation to the university. 16 in spite of this, in November 2000, the University of upper-case letter denote it too would join the WRC, although it would also withstand its membership in the FLA. 7 Nike proceed to push forward with its own initiatives, update pass off on its website. In April 2000, in solvent to air pressure that it was withal hide poor working conditions, Nike denote it would release the complete reports of all case-by-case audits of its subcontractors plants. globular Exchange go on to criticize the company, arguing in mid-2001 that the company was not live up to Knights 1998 promises, and that it was fright workers from speaking out about abuses.